
Showing posts from 2013

Phase One Done

Time has moved so fast! I can remember ten months ago when I had catch-up coffee with a friend and that is when God opened the door for the mission school! Then four months ago I moved in to an apartment complex with  ten other people! We went on a camping trip to get to know each other. And now we have gone through 13 weeks of life together and we are still alive :) We have gone through 13 weeks of trying to drink out of a gushing fire hose of information! It has been great, but now my brain is like dead! It is so good don't get me wrong, just very hard to now process everything. Time to dig for the gold nuggets:) In 11 days we leave for Guatemala on January 3 for two months! I am so excited to see what God is going to do there and in us! I believe He has already started doing things there and here! We are going to be helping the Christian schools in La Limonada. La Limonada is a large slum in Guatemala City. The first couple of weeks we will be helping get...


This week we had Jeremiah Briggs a former worship leader come speak to us on the topic of worship! This man had a true heart of a worshiper! It was really cool to listen to him speak because he just has a genuine passion to bring glory to God! He has doesn't have a college degree in worship leading, he just taught us from what God has revealed to him through worshiping God. Worship: Submission to and dependence in the Holy Sprit to bring the Father glory through Jesus! The concept of worship is usually just the time of singing before a sermon which is a form of worship, but it is also so much more then that! Worship can be anything in your life that you are bring glory to God! It was really cool to watch this new concept sink in over the week for the community. In the beginning of the week Jeremiah challenged us to think back to our first memory of worship and also where we have seen a true worshiper.  And I thought of this guy for both :)  And as we talked about wors...


So on Sunday we had a really chill day and one of the students decided to make a video! This is the first one, but he is hoping to do more and feature each student. Attached a link, hope it works and enjoy!              

One Month Already

Oh how time flies, a month ago I was moving in! With that I want to apologize, I was planning on at least blogging once a week and to be honest I just have not gotten on my computer that much. Yesterday I actually did get on my computer and had a whole blog written up but my computer has some major issues and in the shorten version I couldn't connect to the internet and I really just need to get a new computer!   So the past couple of weeks we have had a pretty intense schedule, but starting to get the flow around here. We have had some really cool teachers too. Two weeks ago we had Allen and Debbie Kemp who talked about the Father Heart of God, and last week we had Reverend Royce Evans talked about the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It was really cool with have such diverse teachers and teachings. It was a really good reminder of God's diversity and how easy it is to put limits on God from what we know and yet He is so much more. This week is Holy Spirit week!!! I am super...


Wow! This past week has been incredible! It has been really great getting to know everyone and living in community with them. There is eleven of us living in the Lincoln house. B:Mitchell, Chris, Alica; M:Sarah, Josh, Ryan, Lauren: M: Vicki, Derek, Heather, Kelly; T: Brandon, Alex, Jeremy. Missing: Anna   We went camping for a couple of days in the Flat Platte River Campground, which is by Sleeping Bear Dunes. It was a great time spent in close quarters that brought us all together as we spent time finding out who each of us are and where we have come from. Slack Lining! There was this crazy dune that looks like a wall! a After we got back we had Ryan speak to us on hearing the voice of God! We spent some time asking God who we are to Him and why He has us here? God has revealed some pretty powerful things already to all of us. It is really going to be cool to watch as each of us grow in the identity that God has spoken into us! And this week we...


TODAY IS MOVE IN DAY!!! CRAZY! I can't believe it is finally here! Bridge Street Mission School here I come!! For all of you who don't know I am doing a 8 month adventure of seeking God! I will be living in the West Side of Grand Rapids in an apartment with 5 other students and 4 staff! We will be living in community with each other for the next couple of months! My roommate is the only other girl student and the best part of that is she is one of my best friends from high school! I am so excited to go through this journey and do life with her for the next 8 months at least!!! I am  sure  we will have out ups and downs, but I am thank God that it is you Sarah! So moving in today, hanging out tomorrow; doing some grillin! Then we are going on a camping trip for a couple of day and I quote, "This will be a time of dune climbing, canoe flipping, building relationship, sharing life stories, praying for each other, etc." SO again SUPPPPER EXCITED!!! I want to than...

10:30pm+COFFEE+Saturday Night Worship =

Equals my mind going crazzzzyy! So try to bear with me as I throw out things that have been tumbling around in my head for a couple of days:) 1. I have 40 days until I move into BSHOP. So excited!!! I can not wait to start the 8 months of learning about my God and living in community with believers! 2. With only 40 days I have decide to do a time of preparation of my heart and mind before I start! In the Bible there is a lot of significance to 40 days! The flood, which was a cleansing process of the earth, rained for 40 days. Jesus took 40 days before he started his ministry of fasting, and I pretty sure there is more that the bible talks about, but these were the ones that came to mind. 3. I have decide as my preparation that I am going to " fast" from Facebook( we all know how addicting that can be) and also sweets( oh boy what am I going to do without my sweet?). So if you want to send up an extra prayer for strength that would be great. Wait... Is praying for streng...

Set a Fire

How many of you have heard the song Set A Fire! Lately I have absolutely loved that song! It is so simple, but yet that song gets me going! It is prayer that just echoes from my heart!  I want more of You God and there is no place I would rather be then here in your love and arms! I pray that as I walk around people can see that fire and passion that is burning for you God because I can't contain my love and excitement for You, God! The beginning of this summer actually when I got out of school I had a lot of time for myself! Being a senior, we got done like a month early and my job didn't start until June which equalled a lot of time! Durning that time I spent time with my God! A verse that was really prevalent in this time was Psalm 46:10- He says, "Be still and know that I am God." I took time trying to discipline myself to take time and be still! Do you know how hard that is!!!!!! First of all I can't sit still ever, second to try and stop all the stuff  tha...

Is this the Begining??

 I guess I am going to start this blog saying ...writing a blog is definitely going to be a crazy adventure all in itself and a new beginning. I obviously was okay enough with English to graduate, but it defiantly was not one of my strong subject. Please try to bear with me on whole spelling and punctuation thing, but then again I guess that is the great thing about blogs, you can make it you own thing. We will see how I do, but I wanted to start blogging so that people have a way to find out the Crazy Adventures With God I am having in this next year as I go through Bridge Street Mission School. That defiantly will be the beginning of something so new to my life, but is it? Let me give you a little background info about the Bridge Street Mission School, but also about how it is a new beginning. The mission school is branch off the Bridge Street House of Prayer (BSHOP) located in the West Side of Grand Rapids. The BSHOP is a coffee ministry that offers a safe ...