
Showing posts from July, 2013

Set a Fire

How many of you have heard the song Set A Fire! Lately I have absolutely loved that song! It is so simple, but yet that song gets me going! It is prayer that just echoes from my heart!  I want more of You God and there is no place I would rather be then here in your love and arms! I pray that as I walk around people can see that fire and passion that is burning for you God because I can't contain my love and excitement for You, God! The beginning of this summer actually when I got out of school I had a lot of time for myself! Being a senior, we got done like a month early and my job didn't start until June which equalled a lot of time! Durning that time I spent time with my God! A verse that was really prevalent in this time was Psalm 46:10- He says, "Be still and know that I am God." I took time trying to discipline myself to take time and be still! Do you know how hard that is!!!!!! First of all I can't sit still ever, second to try and stop all the stuff  tha...

Is this the Begining??

 I guess I am going to start this blog saying ...writing a blog is definitely going to be a crazy adventure all in itself and a new beginning. I obviously was okay enough with English to graduate, but it defiantly was not one of my strong subject. Please try to bear with me on whole spelling and punctuation thing, but then again I guess that is the great thing about blogs, you can make it you own thing. We will see how I do, but I wanted to start blogging so that people have a way to find out the Crazy Adventures With God I am having in this next year as I go through Bridge Street Mission School. That defiantly will be the beginning of something so new to my life, but is it? Let me give you a little background info about the Bridge Street Mission School, but also about how it is a new beginning. The mission school is branch off the Bridge Street House of Prayer (BSHOP) located in the West Side of Grand Rapids. The BSHOP is a coffee ministry that offers a safe ...