Set a Fire
How many of you have heard the song Set A Fire! Lately I have absolutely loved that song! It is so simple, but yet that song gets me going! It is prayer that just echoes from my heart! I want more of You God and there is no place I would rather be then here in your love and arms! I pray that as I walk around people can see that fire and passion that is burning for you God because I can't contain my love and excitement for You, God! The beginning of this summer actually when I got out of school I had a lot of time for myself! Being a senior, we got done like a month early and my job didn't start until June which equalled a lot of time! Durning that time I spent time with my God! A verse that was really prevalent in this time was Psalm 46:10- He says, "Be still and know that I am God." I took time trying to discipline myself to take time and be still! Do you know how hard that is!!!!!! First of all I can't sit still ever, second to try and stop all the stuff tha...