
This week we had Jeremiah Briggs a former worship leader come speak to us on the topic of worship! This man had a true heart of a worshiper! It was really cool to listen to him speak because he just has a genuine passion to bring glory to God! He has doesn't have a college degree in worship leading, he just taught us from what God has revealed to him through worshiping God. Worship: Submission to and dependence in the Holy Sprit to bring the Father glory through Jesus! The concept of worship is usually just the time of singing before a sermon which is a form of worship, but it is also so much more then that! Worship can be anything in your life that you are bring glory to God! It was really cool to watch this new concept sink in over the week for the community. In the beginning of the week Jeremiah challenged us to think back to our first memory of worship and also where we have seen a true worshiper. And I thought of this guy for both :) And as we talked about wors...