This was a transition week in to what we will be doing for the next seven weeks which was a little difficult and exhausting. But let me start off with a pretty cool story! On Sunday we went to this cemetery down the road, not the one in the city. People go there to run, or walk, its like a park for the Guatemalans. Yes it is a little weird to go and hang out when there is some services going on, but it was a beautiful place. Well some of group decide to set up a slack line which was the start to a very interesting interaction. There was a family that was watching that had three boys and we asked if you wanted to try, but they didn't and started to walk away. We also decided to pack up, but then they came back and asked us if we wanted to play so futbol. In the cemetery? Yup, they said the knew a place we could. So we got to play with them for a while, so fun, but... then a guard came and told us that we could play where we were opps :). Then one of the kids takes out his guit...